Matthew 6:33-34

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

I used to sing this verse to tuck my children in when they were young. At the end of the day, it was a good reminder of where my mind should be, or on whom.

Not worrying is a very hard thing to do when you like to know what’s going on. I guess what I really want is to be in control. Wanting God to agree with me that I should have the desires of my heart, I can get lost rationalizing my own desires, that His desires become veiled.

If I said I always seek His Kingdom and never worry…I would be lying.

I have learned this: that my ideas for my kingdom and His ideas for His Kingdom differ more times than I would like to admit. When I sought riches and advancement, He gave solitude and poverty. When I seek ease and comfort, trials and storms present themselves.  In times of discomfort, my values and vision are reset; it’s in these times I learn my greatest lessons. Father God’s character and purpose become clearer and I am strengthened. I am reminded of His faithfulness and power over all things. He is the God of order and when I rely upon, sometimes clinging for my very life to Him, I find peace; even as the storm rages on. 

When my mind’s eye is lasered in on the troubles of the day, I drown in anxious thoughts, and my actions reflect one filled with chaos and fear, rather than one who is a child of the Most High God. 

His name is, I Am, because He is God of all time. He is Alpha and Omega.

Tomorrow does take care of itself because He is already there.  



  1. Larry Adkins | 17th Apr 18

    Me to love Victory

  2. Kelly | 19th Apr 18

    I love this!! Well said

  3. Susie | 21st Apr 18

    Thank you, a message I needed to hear❤

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