School is about to start or has been in session for a few weeks. I made a partial list (1 of 2) of some of the things I told my children while they were growing up, or wish I had…I want to share:


  • You are NOT the sum of your grades.

Work hard and do your best, but your grades Do Not define you.

  • Be intentional

Life tends to pass faster as you get older. Before you know it, your Senior year will be here.

Dream, set goals, plan, don’t just say you will study more, make a detailed plan of HOW you will study more, write it down. Then be intentional about implementing your dream, your goals.

  • Be a person of good character

“As the excellence of gold is its purity, and the excellence of art is its beauty, so the excellence of man is his character.” Author unknown

A person of good character is a sum of qualities found in few. Dare to be one of the few, inspire others to follow your lead by setting the standard by your example.

  • Have Integrity

do the right thing even when no one is around.

  • Be Honest

  • Be Reliable

Being reliable builds value in your word. Be a person of your word. Keep your promises, so promise wisely.

  • Build and protect an honorable reputation.

A good reputation takes a lot of time to build and only moments to destroy.

    As dead flies cause even a bottle of perfume to stink, so a little foolishness spoils great wisdom and honor. Ecclesiastes 10:1

Lord, You see these young people. You know their thoughts and their heart’s desire, please guide them. Warm their hearts and minds to be bent toward You. Draw them near and help them to know Your voice. Protect not only their bodies but their minds and spirit.



  1. Larry Adkins | 28th Aug 18

    My grades thankfully did not say who I was in Christ. Thank you Lord for your Righteousness that I cling to every day even unto death i trust you my Kinsman redeemer.

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