Friends, I was locked out of my blog!
Have a wonder-filled day…and truly, trust in our LORD. He is most worthy of our trust. Love to you, ~ Mia

Proverb 3:5-6

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding:
In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight

Trusting in the LORD is easy for me until you take away my understanding. It is hard to trust what I don’t understand.

Diving off the high dive for the first time into my swim instructor’s waiting arms, sure I trust them, they’ve been there for me…. but

One thing I have learned about God is that even though He is a God of order, not everything he does is logical…to me.
I am finite He is not. His perspective is eternal.

His purpose is eternal and has eternal value.

When I acknowledge Him my path is set straight. My focus changes to The One who is faithful, capable, never late and never lacking. Whether or not I understand is irrelevant because I know Him.

You are so wonderful. Beyond my thoughts or understanding and yet you draw me in with your patience and faithfulness and I learn through my obedience you are trustworthy.
Thank you.


  1. Victory | 20th Mar 19

    It’s like two dogs fighting and raging war. The one that is winning is the one we feed the most . Dear Lord help us feed from your word ,give us strength to do this and forgive us from all our failures past, present, and future in Jesus name I pray amen. Thank you Tender Heart. I am going to Bible study tonight !!!

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