Thinking about God, sometimes I get overswept with gratitude and awe, and yet at the same time, I am overwhelmed with my inadequacies. I want to offer something, anything to shorten the gap between His giving and my taking, but, I always, always come up short.

Holy God, You are perfect in every way.

There is no fault in you. You are complete. Nothing can be added; nothing can be taken away from You.

You are Just. My mouth is shut and my heart withers in Your presence.

You are Righteous. You take all things into account, and Your judgment is fair.

You are Truth. Truth begins in You and is the standard used for all measures.

You are Merciful and Forgiving. Every morning I find hope and renewal in You.

You are Creative beyond my imagination. Your thoughts are above my thoughts.

You know all things. There is not a moment that avoids Your notice. Only what You allow comes to pass.

You are my Protector and my Security; You never grow weary or tire of Your Watch, I find rest in your presence.

You are generous beyond measure. No one can give beyond your reach.

You are Timeless. Time has no chains for You; You created time and gave it its boundaries.

You are the Beginning and the End.

You have no Beginning…

You have no End…

My heart rejoices in thinking of You! I want to give to You from the depths of my heart of gratitude and joy! But, what can I give to You? You have given me all that I have and all that I am. What do I have? What do I own, that You have not provided? My very breath is from You!

The only thing I have to give of any worth, and still that worth comes from you… is me.

I will give to You the depths of myself. I will give you this day You have given me to live. I will walk with You, listen, fellowship, and see with You.

I give to You my life this very moment… this very day.

Holy Spirit, Help me to live this day in a way pleasing to my Lord.


  1. Cori Westerfield | 19th May 20

    So appropriate for this time in my life! Thank you!!!💛

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