A Lesson Learned About Answered Prayer

Colossians 3:16

 Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts.

As I have grown in my relationship with Christ I have learned that: knowing, understanding and applying God’s word is crucial to daily living. Sometimes God will send a trusted friend to set you back on the right path.

I was faithfully watching a thirty-minute television show, but began to slightly feel that I should not be watching. I decided to pray about it. This was my prayer: “LORD, I have watched this show and I really enjoy it. I don’t see anything wrong with it, it makes people happy, but I feel in my heart that I shouldn’t be watching. I don’t want to be out of your will, please make it clear to me. LORD, you know I can be hard-headed sometimes. Please make your will clear.”

The very next time the show came on I sat down to watch and my phone rang.

One of my fellow Christian sisters called, “What are you doing?” I’m watching “Show” “Oh, I wouldn’t watch that.” She replied. “Why not?” I asked. “ I just wouldn’t” was her answer, we chatted a moment and hung up. Not ten minutes later the phone rang again. Another beloved Christian sister asked, “What are you doing?” I told her what show I was watching. I cannot tell you what she said. She rambled on for a few minutes telling me her thoughts about the show and we hung up. I am not kidding; the phone rang a third time. “Hello?” “What are you doing?” asked my best Christian sister of many years. “I’m watching “Show” “TURN THAT THING OFF! TURN THAT THING OFF! I am not saying another word until you turn that thing off!” I began to laugh and turned the television off. I told her I was laughing because she was an answer to my prayer. “I don’t see anything wrong with this show, why shouldn’t I watch it?” I asked her. She explained that the show was taking my focus from God. My focus became fixed on someone who was using means of betrayal, whether spiritual or of man, to deceive and cause others to look to someone or something, that only God, in truth, could do.

I thanked God for answering my prayer; I never watched that show again.

I learned that day that God answers prayer quickly when I seek to be within His will. I learned that when getting advice, not every answer is the best answer. I need to be in God’s Word seeking to understand for myself, and to be ready if ever someone asks me, ”Why not?” Above all I learned that God really does hear prayer, how He answers is as unique as He is.

Thank you LORD, for the privilege of prayer.

Thank you for your patience and guidance when I am hardheaded or ignorant of your will.


  1. Larry Adkins | 21st Feb 18

    Thank you for sharing I needed to hear this what is your thoughts on fasting? Love to you and around you sincerely Victory .

    • Mia Bella | 22nd Feb 18

      Larry, Thank you always for your support and comments. I believe fasting is a very important part of a persons growth toward maturity in their relationship with God. The hardest fast I ever did was fasting from gossip, I had to walk away from many conversations and learned it is very easy to disquise gossip as concern. As far as sustaining from food, I have fasted a meal or two. I am grateful I have not felt called to fast for a long period of time. I like food and enjoy the fellowship of a meal. 🙂

      Now, I wonder, if I changed my focus from what I am giving up to what I could gain, that sweet fellowship with Christ and a feast on His word… would I find it much of a sacrifice? I will let you know.

  2. Karen Byers | 23rd Feb 18

    Hi sweet friend. Thank you for your post!! God answers prayers like that for me, too! Some may think it’s silly to ask Him to whether we should do this or that, but He most always provides an answer–especially when I’m tuned in to Him. I, too, want to ALWAYS be in His will! Thanks for sharing your faith!

    • Mia Bella | 27th Feb 18

      Karen, Thank you, you made my day! Sometimes when I think a prayer request might be too small, I go back and remember that day. Isn’t our God wonderful, generous and patient…

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