A Prayer

The other day I wanted to go to the Lord in prayer, but I had neglected spending quality time alone with Him, I felt guilty and not worthy of approaching Him. I told myself I could not just come to Him when I had been so self-centered and busy when it occurred to me, I was not listening to God but to the one who wants to keep me from Him.

I wanted to share my prayer:

Holy God,

I have put things before You, I have made You last. I am not worthy to come to You, but my heart longs for You.

       You are patient and merciful with me, thank you for not giving me what I deserve.

       You are righteous and just, You are the standard, who can compare? Who can judge?

       You know all things: there is nothing that goes without Your notice, nothing that comes into being without Your allowance.

       You sustain and give life. You are my refuge, my shelter, my protection…my deliverer.

Lord Jesus,

Please forgive me, search my heart and bring what comes between us before me so I can turn away from it. Help me to be sorry enough to quit. Help me to organize my time, I don’t want to be like a dead leaf being blown about whichever way the wind blows the hardest. What I want is to be a pleasure, a delight to You. I want to spend time in sweet fellowship with You, where I can grow in understanding and wisdom. 

You are my Lord, You are my King, my sin is much and my anguish is great; but You are greater still.

In You, I have Joy, in You I have Peace…I will sing a heartfelt song of praise because of You.



  1. Wanda Pearl | 7th Aug 18

    Beautiful! Just what I needed!! Thank you, God Bless!

  2. Victory | 7th Aug 18

    Me to Lord .

  3. Carla | 8th Aug 18

    What a beautiful prayer to our Heavenly Father!! Amen 🙌🏼🙌🏼

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