LORD, Creator, and Sustainer of all things, how my heart longs for You night and day.
Your Mercy and Goodness well up a song of gratitude in my heart that I cannot contain.
I will praise You, LORD, all my life.
I remember Your faithfulness over my years. I will not put my faith in governments or even in my own abilities. I will look to You for my guidance; You make my path firm.
How can I understand how You see me, know me, in all the universe I matter to You.
I could live in fear that You know me so well, even to my inmost parts. But I rejoice in the freedom of being known, even known is the darkest part of me.
I have learned from Your Faithfulness and Mercy that You are Just and Right.
I have learned You keep Your promises, that Your Word is reliable and True.
I believe, and am forever grateful, that Your Son, Jesus, laid His life down for me, for us who will believe Him. That in His sacrifice, You have grated us, me, complete forgiveness and restoration of relationship.
I am thankful The Holy Spirit guides me and teaches me. I am thankful that after all these many years, You have never left me alone. I am grateful, and I am never alone.
Forgive me Lord, when I continue to mess up, go my own way, or completely forget You.
Please forgive me, when I do the things I don’t want to do, and do them anyway.
Refine me to become even more like You. I give myself to You today. My heart, my being, is all I have. I give You all of me.
Help me to consider my thoughts, my words, my actions carefully. I present this day of my life to You as my gift of gratitude. It is Yours. Help me to live today that is pleasing to You and glorifies You.
Jesus, because of You, I can come to Our Father, to ask. I thank You for what You have done, what You are doing on my behalf. It is in Your name that I come.