I have been watching the world and trying to find where I fit in as a Christian. The chaos invading our world today is not new. I am just more aware because of the technology available. I am confident in the fact that God is in control. Though, I am not finding rest as I realize trusting God doesn’t relieve me of my responsibility as a Christian, a member of my community and society.
Matthew 5:13 “You are the salt of the earth.
One of my sayings is: “Be like salt on a French fry. Make where you are better just by being there”. What French fry is not better by putting salt on it?! Yum!
As Christians, are we not called to make where we are better? Of course, we are.
Matthew 5:13 goes on, “But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.”
This saltiness is where my heart is convicted. Have I lost my saltiness? Has the world’s condition, as portrayed by media, all media, gotten so out of control that I have allowed fear to control me? Have I isolated myself to the point that I don’t even look into the person’s eyes behind the mask? Have I become one who judges based on my values, morals, principles, and political views?
What is my standard?
Even better yet, Who is my standard? If my standard is another human being, who am I to judge their qualities? Do I know their heart? Do I know their detail? If my standard is Christ Jesus, how do I dare judge others to One I cannot even think to compare myself?
I have decided it is in my hiding; darkness and fear have advanced beyond acceptable limits. Together, our active trust, reliance, and obedience to Christ Jesus counteract the corruption in the world. As salt stops the rotting in meat, a Christian sharing the love, forgiveness, and freedom found in Christ inhibits sin’s power to destroy lives.
What will I do? I will start each day on my knees, humbling my heart and spirit to my Lord. I will seek truth and guidance in scripture. My goal is to understand, and apply God’s word, not justify my will. I will make better choices where I spend my time, and feed my mind. I will not cower to conflict. (Were we not told by Jesus to expect it?) I will trust the Holy Spirit to enable me and speak for me. I will talk with my neighbor. Things change when I look my neighbor in the eye and listen; if we disagree, more opportunity to share and listen.
Light overtakes darkness when it isn’t hiding under a bush. There is not one thing happening today, or since time began that scripture has not foretold. There are only two camps: Lost and Saved. Jesus has not called us to be scorekeepers or timekeepers but to be salt and light to those lost.
Your plan is perfect and complete.
Please forgive me when I go my own way; help me to be quick to repent. I want to be obedient to You always.
Please forgive me for my disobedience.
Please teach me how to be salt. Enable me to act and speak with courage and love.
Teach me how to be light, so others can see You reflected in my life and ways. Enable me always to act, and listen, in love.
For Your patience, mercy, and forgiveness, Thank you.