But Now…

Romans 3:21

But now a righteousness from God, apart from law, has been made known to which the Law and the Prophets testify.

But now….

Everything I ever did that was against God, the known and the unknown, are addressed in these two powerful little words. 

But now…

All the times I failed to live in a way that honored God, how I dishonored Him and minimalized my actions so I could do as I pleased… 

But now…I don’t have to remain in my guilt.

But now… is wonderful news! 

But now… means there is an alternative. I can be declared not guilty because I can and do trust Jesus to make me right with God. 

But now… I have Christ standing before God on my behalf and God sees me as righteous. 


Holy God,

Your Grace is perfect.

Your Mercy is undeserved.

Your Patience is immeasurable.

Your Love bears all sins.

I have no right to your gift. I don’t deserve what I accept from you.


I give you all that I have and am…

My life, my love, the deepest inmost part of my being… I give to you.





  1. Larry Adkins | 13th Feb 18

    I so needed to hear this thank you for sharing love VICTORY !!!

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