John 2:4 Jesus said to her, “Woman, what does your concern have to do with Me? My hour has not yet come.”
When we talk about “letting go” what exactly are we letting go of? Control? Desire? Is it the desire to have our way acknowledged and obeyed?
Want to talk about letting go? Look to Mary, mother of Jesus.
At first glance, Jesus sounds like he is irritated with Mary, like any young adult child would be with a meddling mother. No doubt at this moment he knew and she knew, Jesus’ journey to the cross would begin. The secret she and Joseph so well protected in their hearts would all to soon be wretched forever from her.
Mary knows who Jesus is. He is the Messiah. He is God.
He is her son. He is her beloved child. He is her Savior.
Growing up my mother told me, “talk to Jesus just like you’re talking to grandpa”. I did this and would talk daily to Jesus. The problem was I never pressed on in pursuit of a deeper more intimate relationship with God. How did Mary move from letting go of her role as care giver, nurturer, protector, and teacher, to accepting Christ as her Savior? Submitting her life to the son who is now her Lord. How in the world did she let go? I would die for my child, as I am sure she would have also, but here her child was going to the cross for her, for me, for you, for all of us.
Thinking of Mary challenges me look at myself and the degree that I submit to Jesus. Do I worship Jesus as I should? Does He have the right place in my heart? I’m not sure I can grasp with full understanding that to which Mary submitted to God in her role as mother to Jesus.
I am thankful that she did. Mary taught me that I needed to stop seeing Jesus as a child of Mary or a grandfather figure but, to come fully submitted to him because he is my Savior, my Lord, my God.
One of my favorite passages! Submitting, letting go, removing yourself… all so difficult at times. Having full 100% undeniable Faith that our Heavenly Father has, is, and always will take care of us if we just get out of the way and allow Him to be in control it is amazing!!!
Living in this world can be so very hard. There are so many forces, seen and unseen working against us. I think I would have to say my letting go, submitting, or obedience to Jesus became…”easier” when I stopped looking at Jesus like I did when I was a child and looked at him through the eyes of Mary that day in scripture when everything was put in motion.
I still can not wrap my mind around what Mary must have been feeling in her heart or even thinking in her mind…
Mary’s 100% undeniable faith is not only an example but also a comfort for me as I am guessing it is for you too. 🙂
God’s blessings to you today my sister friend. ~ Mia
Carla | 8th Aug 17
One of my favorite passages! Submitting, letting go, removing yourself… all so difficult at times. Having full 100% undeniable Faith that our Heavenly Father has, is, and always will take care of us if we just get out of the way and allow Him to be in control it is amazing!!!
Mia Bella | 10th Aug 17
Carla,I whole heartedly agree!
Living in this world can be so very hard. There are so many forces, seen and unseen working against us. I think I would have to say my letting go, submitting, or obedience to Jesus became…”easier” when I stopped looking at Jesus like I did when I was a child and looked at him through the eyes of Mary that day in scripture when everything was put in motion.
I still can not wrap my mind around what Mary must have been feeling in her heart or even thinking in her mind…
Mary’s 100% undeniable faith is not only an example but also a comfort for me as I am guessing it is for you too. 🙂
God’s blessings to you today my sister friend. ~ Mia