Faithful Refuge

Psalm 91:4 He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge: his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.

As a mother I did my best to protect and anticipate any danger that might harm my precious children. I had no fear when it came to facing the evils in the world like: school bus, and school yard bullies. Strangers with ill intent stood no chance with me, I was on guard and alert always. “I am here” and “I’m not going to let anything hurt you” were two of many reassuring phrases my children heard growing up. 

Unfortunately before I was ready, they grew up and left home. Realizing I couldn’t keep them safe any longer was almost unbearable. I had to rely on what I had taught them. I prayed they were listening but, with some of the choices they were making I wondered. Watching your children struggle in life is draining. The world wants to devour your child just because it can. Knowing what they are doing or not knowing, either is heart wrenching when your child is making poor choices. I tried everything I could think of to get my prodigal child to turn around. Then one afternoon I turned on my car radio and a woman caller said, “I had to get out-of-the-way and let God write my son’s testimony” I didn’t even know the topic being discussed but, those words pierced my heart. I thought I would be sick. How could I trust God enough to protect and guide my child? How am I going to stop “helping” and get out-of-the-way? Right now my heart races and my stomach is ill just remembering that day.

But I did get out-of-the-way. I trusted God to a point I had never really trusted Him with my children. I relinquished control. I really did. Hardest thing I have ever done in my life. Best thing I could have ever done for my children.

I was only kidding myself to think that I was ever in control anyway. Could this lesson in control and trust been for me? I found that not only do I love my children more than I could ever imagine, God loves them even more than me. He has a path for them and a plan along that path to mold them into the person He wills for them to be, not me. I began to remember and see where God has worked in my life to bring about who I am becoming and she is not anyone I would have ever dreamed I could be. God’s path and plan for my life, for my children’s lives…for your life and your loved one’s life is the best and safest. I didn’t say easiest or without hardship but most assuredly the best.

So what do I do today? I get on my knees asking the One who sees my children, to draw them near. I ask for Him to protect their minds, their body, and their spirit in all ways. I ask that He will help them to be obedient to His will and in the choices they make daily.

I ask this for myself too.




  1. Susie | 29th Jul 17

    Great message. As a mom of a prodigal, God had to work on me to “let go and let God”. It is the hardest thing I have ever done, but seeing the fruit of His faithfulness to my child has been the sweetest salve to my broken heart.

    • Mia Bella | 29th Jul 17

      Thank you for sharing Susie, it IS so very hard.
      It is funny, I just realized, we say, “let go” but in reality we just change that to which we are clinging to. From holding so tight to our control: to holding on to Him so tightly: to finally realizing we can relax and trust in Him carrying us.

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