God’s Choice

Matthew 5:44-46 

But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 

Sunday morning, I was sitting on my covered porch drinking my coffee and it began to rain. First the drops were few and big, but before long the rain was falling heavily, soaking the ground. The birds continued to talk to one another, splashing around in the puddles and hunting worms. The rain was washing everything clean, it was a restoring and sustaining rain, and I began to think of God. 

My heart was grateful for this rain, and this moment of worshipful reflection, I saw it as a gift from my Father. I wondered about others who would just look at this rain as any other weather front moving through and say,” Oh well.”  

My mind turned to those who had hurt me over my lifetime: the abusers, liars, those who betrayed me. God had sent this beautiful rain to them also. I became a little upset remembering the good God gives to those who I think should be left out…then I remembered, why is it so easy to forget? I remembered it is only because of Christ Jesus I can see this rain and time as it truly is: a gift from God. 

My heart is filled with love and appreciation for the new life He has given me, how sad that if even for a moment I think it is about me…it is not.  

It is about the Everlasting God, Creator of heaven and earth and all that has life. It is about my Lord, Jesus who suffered, forgave and was obedient to the point of death…for me, for you and for those who hate him. 

In God’s perfect plan and goodness, He took care of death, but He does call His children to be obedient and to love Him and our neighbor regardless if that neighbor is friend or foe. 

Oh, Holy God,

You are merciful and gracious, patient and wise. You are infinite and sovereign. You are complete. Nothing can be taken from You to make you less, nothing can be added to make You more.

You know all things, You see all things. Nothing can hide from You.

Please forgive me for my selfishness and self-righteousness. I am sorry.  

Help me Lord to love and pray for my enemies as well as for my brothers and sisters in Christ. 

Help me to die to myself, so Christ can live more in me.





  1. Larry Adkins | 12th Jun 18

    It’s hard to see the whole picture unless we look three the lens of a loving heavenly Father. I am reminded today how much I need His grace and mercy in my own life and to share it with the rest of the world.

  2. Denora Perry | 12th Jun 18

    Amen 🙏🏾

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