God’s Timing

This recent look back to revisit what I believe, really more of why I believe, has caused me to be even more confirmed in my belief and faith in Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

This morning as I was reading Acts chapter 2 and 3 I kept reading the same sentence over and over. Acts 3:2 …a man crippled from birth was placed at the temple court to beg every day. Every day, since birth. This is after Jesus’ ascension to heaven and it is after the disciples are filled with the Holy Spirit. My thought is, and maybe you have had this already, Jesus walked by this man probably many times, He probably knew his need but chose not to heal him.

My first thought was, “Why?” Why didn’t Jesus heal this man and show His divinity? I was almost frustrated and a little upset with Jesus for not showing compassion and mercy to this poor man. Having to be carried to the temple to beg, every day of his life. Jesus could have made a difference in this man’s life in a moment. He could have, but He didn’t.

I have thought about this all week. Jesus didn’t rush in and fix everything as if everything needing to be fixed was an emergency. There was a plan and this poor beggar man was a part of this plan. Think about this for a moment. Wrap your mind around the truth that since birth this crippled man was a part of God’s plan, to forever be remembered in scripture, talked about and encourage people thousands of years later, and he was healed! What a mighty God, a merciful God, all-powerful, and all-knowing God we love and serve! Amen!

But wait, how did this happen if Jesus had already returned to His Father, our Father? It was Peter and John who saw this man and it was the Holy Spirit of God that worked through these faithful, imperfect men. Peter and John believed because they witnessed the death, resurrection, and ascension of Christ Jesus. They were there when the Holy Spirit came and filled them and others, just as Jesus promised. Was it easy to believe and keep the faith in Christ those thousands of years ago when things got tough? Is it easy today? No, what happens to us? I believe we forget, just like in ancient days how they would forget. Look how quickly Peter forgot, to the point of denying Jesus and he had been with Jesus always. Shoot, Jesus even told Peter he would forget.

But God never forgets, He never overlooks. He always sees and is always listening. He has a plan; a perfect plan and it has been set in place. The moment God entered our world the plan was set in motion. No, I think it was set in motion the day sin was let loose. God told of His plan hundreds of years before through scripture. The plan doesn’t end with Jesus’ death, resurrection and ascension, but continued with the coming of the Holy Spirit and continues today.

I bet we can all look back and see where God’s plan was executed in His time and we are grateful and our faith regenerated. I don’t think He intends for us to be living looking back but living forward in faith. We have the Holy Spirit quietly living within us. How brave are we to listen daily and live according to His leading and prompting. I think it does take courage. Everything God does is not always logical to us. Hence, the man at the gate. The woman at the well. Jesus having to die for us to live. Today it may be, a loved one dying young but out of that death, someone else is brought to faith in Christ. It might be losing everything to discover your everything is in Christ Jesus alone. I don’t know. But this I do know and believe. Our God is a living God, He knows us and we know Him through Jesus. He has not left us alone but walks with us every day guiding us, teaching, protecting us. We just need to always, always remember who we are and Whose we are.

Holy Almighty God,

You are above my thoughts and my wisdom is foolishness to You.
You were before time and You will always be. You are eternal, the everlasting God.

Thank you for making a way for me to be forgiven and have everlasting life through Your Son, Jesus.
Jesus, please forgive me when I live in ways that do not honor You.
Thank you for not leaving me here in this world alone, but sending the Holy Spirit to guide, teach, and protect me.

Holy Spirit, please help me to live according to Jesus’ teaching. Give me understanding as I read scripture.
Help me to quickly regret and change when You convince me of my disobedience.
Enable me to live boldly and courageously, free from fear, fully covered in the armor of God, prepared for when God’s timing includes me in His plan.

Thank you, Lord, for this life and opportunity You have given me. Holy Spirit teach me not to waste it.