Keep It Simple Stupid

Where do I start to clean up this “thought mess” I have created within myself? Have you ever thought about something so long and hard, dissected each thought as to why you believe such a thing? Wonder if you are crazy, convince yourself you are not and continue on the path to knowing? It is mentally exhausting, especially when you end up back to where you began.

“Keep it simple stupid.”

I have to smile when I think of this phrase, but it is the truth when it comes to what I understand about Jesus. These past few weeks I have been working so hard to understand and know without a doubt why I believe. I wonder is this possible within my own thought process? No, I don’t think so. I am a fallible, imperfect human being, lost hopelessly to a life of struggle and understanding even when the miracle of a resurrected life is historically recorded, with the proof of changed lives, including my own.

What makes a difference? You already know, don’t you?  I forgot.

The Holy Spirit is the difference.

How is it I forgot? How can I forget the very promise of Jesus to not leave His believers as orphans? The Holy Spirit is The One who lives within me, teaching me, guiding me and convicting me when I turn away from Jesus’ leading and begin on my own path.

How do I know Jesus is Lord and Savior more than just reading and hearing? The Holy Spirit bears witness to my spirit the truths of God. How is it that the Holy Spirit indwells in me? I don’t know how, except that I do know when. It was when I decided I believed, even when I didn’t know or understand everything it meant to commit and follow Jesus.

So how did I get so turned around and confused? I didn’t stop and evaluate where my focus was. My focus was on myself. I got so wound up in the how’s, whys, and what-ifs of what I don’t know, that I forgot what I do know.

The Holy Spirit:

The Author of Scripture moved the authors of all books of the bible to record what He breathed into their hearts and minds. The good, the bad and the ugly. The living word was God-breathed by the living Holy Spirit.

Thousands of years ago, Jesus promised to not leave His believers alone like orphans. When He went away, He sent the Comforter, Counselor and Advocate to console and guide those who belong to Christ. The Spirit bears witness to our spirit that we belong to Jesus and assures us of our salvation.

The Holy Spirit is the Convictor of sin. He applies the truths of God to our spirit and mind. Here is where I am learning to keep a “short” account and repent of sin as soon as I recognize or am convicted.

The Holy Spirit Indwells within me. This is where I fail the most I think. This is where I allow the fear of not knowing to take control. While I am wrestling with what I don’t know, and the fear of not knowing, the Holy Spirit of God is patient, gentle, and willing to wait for me to return to His rest and peace.

When I do return, I am reminded that I am not ever alone. I am marked for all eternity that I belong to the Son of God, and The Father calls me His own.

I don’t know what the next moment brings, but I do know the One who saved me. He has not left me or forsaken me. I can rest and have peace knowing that whatever comes my way, I am not alone but have the power of God living within me. He will prepare, provide and empower me to do His will, whatever it may be.

Praise be to God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit