My Battle with Worry

Matthew 7:27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? 

Have you ever had times where everything seems to come crashing down around you and you have nowhere to turn? I have experienced this: my car was totaled, my job is changing, my children are facing challenges, my parent’s health is weak, my roof is leaking, my water bill doubled, my tax bill was more than expected and my dryer is on the fritz shrinking all my clothes.

I have made list to get more organized, figured my payments and stretched my budget, checked on my mother every day, made calls to the insurance man, auto estimator man, the tax man, the roofer, and the water company. I am exhausted from it all and there doesn’t seem to be any relief in sight.

God help me! What am I doing wrong? Where are you in all of this mess?!? 

Then there it is… WORRY, the time sucker, peace stealer, focus of my days. I get so mad at myself when I do this! This life gets messy and mean and all of a sudden I forget my God, the Sovereign God of the universe, the very God who created life in me and knows the details of my life… the details of all, not one thing is beyond His notice. Not one thing is out of His control. 

What have I gained from this worry? Nothing, what have I lost? Time. 

If I had spent as much time thinking about God and His capabilities as I did thinking about my troubles… isn’t that meditation? I have been meditating on my trouble and not meditating on the One who can make a difference in my life.


Oh Father,

You are so patient and merciful.

You do not ignore those who depend on you.

Please forgive me when I can only see the troubles of my world and forget You so easily.

Help me, Jesus, to be more like you, turning first to the Father in all things, everyday…sometimes even every moment.

Lord, you are sovereign in all things, I can trust you with the details of my very days.

Holy Spirit, help me to capture what consumes me and hand it over to the One who has the power and authority to make a difference and change, in me and my circumstances.

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