My Thoughts On Thoughts

My friend’s mother was just diagnosed with cancer very recently. I wanted to send a card to brighten her day, so last night I stopped at the local drug store. I read many cards, most gave reassurance I was “sending” my good thoughts, vibes, energy, etc. I stood there and thought, “How do I send a vibe?” What thought am I going to send that will make a difference for her? How will she know what it is? I didn’t know. I kept looking.

I settled on a card with a drawing of an old telephone with the sentiment inside: Just wanted you to know I’m thinking of you.

I paid for it and drove to my next appointment. I could not stop thinking about thoughts and vibes, good or bad and how does my thought make a difference? They aren’t tangible, you cannot see them or even feel them.

A thought is nothing but a thought without action.

But still, as I drove and contemplated the power of my thoughts. I became slightly agitated with myself. HOW do/ can my thoughts make a difference? Reality- they don’t. I send them and Poof…nothing. Reality- it is easy to “send” a thought. I’m sending you one right now. Lol…not really, I’m kidding you. (Maybe I did, did you know?)

Out of frustration, I began to talk to God. I spoke out loud actually, “God, how can I make a difference with my thoughts!?!” “My thoughts cannot make a change, heal or restore. I cannot heal my friend’s mother…” and I stopped dead in my thoughts. You can, You LORD can make a difference with Your thoughts. You are the One who can make a difference a true, real difference with Your thought. You have power and authority over place and time, seen and unseen, death and life.

I cannot…You can.

What can I do? I can share with the One who knows me and what I am thinking. He knows my thoughts exactly, good and bad. He has the power to make a change and all I have to do is ask, Jesus said. (John 14)

I gave thanks right then and there.

LORD, You are the One that has the power to change circumstances. Space and time do not hinder You.

You allow and You forbid, nothing is out of Your reach or sight.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for making the way for me to be able to share the burdens of my heart with our Father.

Thank you for restoring the relationship between me and Father God.

Thank you for always being there, always listening, always being The Light in the dark.

Please forgive me when I forget You when I try to be You.

Thank you for answered pray: past, present, and future.

Help me to remember that my thoughts do have power and action when I share them when I give them to You.  Amen