
You are the first thought of my day.

How quickly You fade into the background, covered over by my busyness.

I struggle to hold Your hand and walk with You as the day grows, time attacks me, I grapple to regain my hold.

I can find no rest from this, Your creation of time. Even in my rest, it is there nipping at my heels, do this or do that, always wanting more of me and pushing You farther away.

I cannot grasp this time. It worms away from me, racing from my attempts to control it.

Once again, exhausted, I sit alone in the quiet. In the darkness, time is suspended. My mind turns to You. You are always there, never leaving me, still leading me though I don’t always follow.

You never tire of me. You pursue me quietly and gently. Day and night, You call my heart and my mind. I find rest when I turn back to You and surrender myself and my time.


You created time; You made the morning and the night. You have given the sun and moon their boundaries. They obediently retreat for rest at their proper time. Even the birds obey when You call them for their rest as the sun tucks in for the night. Why do I fight You when You say, “rest”?

Considering You have created time, You have power over time, and You have authority over my time. The time You have given me for this day, this moment. Teach me to number my days. (Psalm 90)


Please help me! I am helpless in the hands of time. Time in my hands is a slave driver, a taskmaster, relentless and unforgiving.

Time in Your hands is controlled and useful. You conform time to Your perfect will. Under Your care, time is a tool for me to use. Help me, Father, to surrender the time You have given me to You.

Show me how to use time wisely.