
Psalm 8

When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers,

the moon and the stars, which you have set in place,

what is mankind that you are mindful of them,

human beings that you care for them?

You have made them a little lower than the angels

and crowned them with glory and honor.


Who am I that God is mindful of me? But I know he is.

I climbed a mountain once. I climbed right through a rain cloud, and when I looked down, I could see it still raining. When I looked up, the sky was as blue and white clouds were rolling by above me. I could almost touch them. I was in awe of The God who would create this: the mountain, the blue sky, the rain, and me, right there to take in this overwhelming sight of power and beauty that also had a purpose.

The first time I held my babies, I could hardly take in the miracle I had in my hands. I wanted time to stop. God created time, God made my babies and gave them life, and there I was in time, in awe of God and enveloped in Love, sacrificial Love.

Love is why God is mindful of you and me.

Is it because of this Easter season I am reminded of His love, God’s sacrificial love? Maybe. I can think I love as much as God does, but I do not. I cannot. When everything is taken from me, and I am left bare, I still have the love of God. It is This Love that, if I allow it in, enables me to love. His Love empowers me to live, to live a whole life, an everlasting life.

Years ago, I taught a Sunday school class of about 20 children in grades Kindergarten through sixth. I asked what was important to God. Around the room came answers of prayer, tithing, giving, missions, and much more. All great answers, then I came to one last little kindergarten boy. I asked him what was important to God. In a small unsure voice, he said, “people.”  

I was humbled. I had forgotten. For no other reason than who God is: Love. The Holiest God, The Father, His Son, and The Holy Spirit are mindful of us.

Holy God,

I am overwhelmed by you. I am without words.