
You are the first thought of my day. How quickly You fade into the background, covered over by my busyness. I struggle to hold Your hand and walk with You as the day grows, time attacks me, I grapple to regain my hold. I can find no rest from this…

A Trashy Lesson

Recently, I was reminded of an encounter I had in my office with a young person a couple of years ago. (It doesn’t matter if this person was male or female because we all have dealt with mean, hateful people.) There was an inner sadness in this young…

Judge’s Stand

Time. I have been thinking a lot about time. Maybe because I am getting older, and reminiscing has become a favorite pastime. Many years ago, I was in the school marching band. We performed at all the football and basketball games. Occasionally we were invited to march in a parade…

Being Salt

I have been watching the world and trying to find where I fit in as a Christian. The chaos invading our world today is not new. I am just more aware because of the technology available. I am confident in the fact that God is in control. Though, I am…

A Prayer for Today

God, my Lord, my Savior, how wonderful You are. LORD, Creator, and Sustainer of all things, how my heart longs for You night and day. Your Mercy and Goodness well up a song of gratitude in my heart that I cannot contain. I will praise You, LORD, all my life…

The Possibilities of the Unknown

So often, we try to contain the unknown to explain, control, and manage what we don’t know. We classify our lack of knowledge or understanding by surrounding it and filling in the holes with explanations of what we know. The Star of Bethlehem is Jupiter and Saturn aligning. Someone…

Lift up your hands in the sanctuary, and praise the Lord!


I woke up this morning thankful, thankful that Christ is still who He is, and after all these years He is  still reining from His throne. Praise be to God, who was and is forever more…

When God is Silent

Psalm 77 Your way was through the sea,  your path through the great waters;  yet your footprints were unseen. My car blew a piston as my sister, and I drove through the mountains. I was completely unaware of any trouble until I stopped in traffic on the interstate. My little…

Do Not Be Weary

Isaiah 40:28-31 Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.  He gives strength to the weary and increases the power…