Proof In A Changed Life

I was challenged to verifiably prove God’s existence. Though I cannot do this to my challenger’s satisfaction, I do believe, knowing what you believe and why has value.

Who am I? Belief that all things in this universe, over the course of billions, even trillions of years could come from nothing… believing that what we know, and have yet to discover, has come into being by chance: that over time, subatomic particles became complex gray matter, having intellectual capacity, all coming from nothing…but where did nothing come from? This is my quandary. I find it harder to believe in nothing than believing in someone.

I am a being, capable of intellectual thought and the desire to be known. I reason: if I want to and do, communicate outside of myself, I don’t find it hard to believe a superior being would want to be known and desire to communicate with their creation. Because I don’t understand or see with my own eyes, does not convince me there could not be someone bigger, more intelligent, wiser and more capable than me.

Every book I have read, I read wanting to understand what the writer is trying to convey, with the exception of the Bible. I would go to the concordance to look up topics or let it fall open in hopes God would impart His wisdom and truth to me. Until one day, I decided I would approach the Bible like any other book. I would start from the beginning reading with the purpose to understand. My life was changed.

A complete change in a person’s life, their heart, their purpose, after an encounter with Christ Jesus is where I find the undeniable presence of God. The disciple Peter was fearful and inconsistent in his self-control, until he saw Jesus resurrected from the dead, and spending 40 days with Him. Paul was sincere in his killing and prosecution of Christians because of his love for God, until he encountered Jesus. The blind man, Lazarus, John the Baptist, countless others, and myself: all lives that were changed because of our encounter with Christ.

My life has forever been changed because of God and His desire to be known, to love and restore. Jesus said, “I am.”

And I believe Him.


  1. Larry Adkins | 6th Feb 18

    Amen and pass the gravy sister you are a terrific witness thank you thank you thank you !!!

    • Mia Bella | 7th Feb 18

      You made me laugh out loud Larry! Thank you for your encouragement. love to you and yours~Mia

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