Psalm 19

Psalm 19:7 The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul. The statutes of the LORD are trustworthy, making wise the simple 

What is it about a sunrise that proclaims God’s greatness, beauty, and mercy? I saw such a sunrise this morning. The colors that grew from the brilliant fuchsia rising sun were breathtaking, but this time I thought of God’s great power and wisdom in how He has set boundaries in and for all things. I thought of how these boundaries serve a purpose for good and not for harm. He gives rest and renewal when He set the boundaries of a day in hand with the boundaries of a night. 

God’s boundaries or laws are not a long list of lifeless rules, but a full expression of His love and care…His laws express His wisdom, grace, and mercy. God’s rules give me wisdom and light my path. In keeping them I am protected, renewed and rewarded. Within these boundaries, there is freedom, the truest of freedom. 

Like a dog fenced in a huge yard full of green grass and shade. He is free to run, if only it wasn’t for the short chain that holds him captive in one place, where the sun is relentless and the grass is worn away from his pacing desire to be free. I can be like this dog, chained to addictions…to my willful sins.   

How can I know His freedom if not for His forgiveness and freedom from crippling guilt?  

I have found that to be obedient to Christ is to have my life renewed and restored.  That the chains that take away my freedom, my joy, my protection… that take away my very life, are broken.



  1. Victory | 27th Jun 18


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