God Notions
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Restored, Renewed, Rejoice!!
posted on : November 2, 2021
posted by : Mia Bella
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Joel 2:25
And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten…
Locusts devour everything. They take the life out and leave a shell behind.
God was promising He would restore. How? How does one even begin this journey?
It is not easy, but not because you can’t do it, but because we can’t “see” Him, touch Him, control, and be Him.
Trust Him anyway, be intentional in obedience.
Move forward and follow His lead.
Trust Him enough to begin to heal.
He will restore. He is the God who keeps his promises.
He is The God who sees us.
Seek Him. I tell you, He isn’t hiding.
You are more than I thought I could ever hope.
You do restore, and You regenerate the soul. You renew my soul.
I am new and love living every day for you.
Help me to see others as you see them and love them as you do.
You are the love of my life, the very breath of my soul.
The reason I live each day filled with Joy!
Thank you, Wonderful, Merciful, Father.
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