
Colossians 4:5-6 Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.

I never really understood what Jesus meant when he told His believers to be the salt of the earth until I had french fries without salt. They were okay but they weren’t outstanding, they were…” Meh”.  Warm french fries with just the right amount of salt make me want to lick my fingers and savor every last one.

“be like salt on a french fry, make where you are better just by being there”

I posted this first on my refrigerator, then Facebook and most recently I had it printed on a t-shirt. I was wearing my t-shirt, all proud that everyone I met would be enlightened and want to be like salt too: until I was standing at the fence talking to my neighbor and she read my shirt out loud, I explained it to her but she didn’t say much… in a sense, she said,” Meh”

My heart sank in the realization that I’m not as much like salt as I thought I was. I lose my saltiness when I participate in conversations veiled in gossip or judgment of others. In thinking of past conversations, I am ashamed to admit I talk over and take over conversations to make my ideas and point of view known.

Salt not only flavors but preserves, like a ham, salt is used to preserve the ham but the ham still tastes like ham, not a salt block. Salt preserves and gives flavor without taking over.

As a follower of Christ Jesus, I want to preserve conversations to a higher standard, I want my words to add flavor not feed and fan the flames of gossip. I want to be like salt on a French fry, making things better by being there. Not loud and overpowering, not all-consuming, but a quiet source of pleasantness, courteous listening, and sharing, that when absent I am missed, not glad that I am gone.

 I want to be effective in my presence and words, that people want to know why I am different and are glad that I am there. I want my conversations to be gracious, reflecting the love and truth of Christ, seasoned with the Good News of salvation, leaving those around me wanting more “tasty” conversation.  

I now think when I read my own words to be like salt, they will be a reminder to me, for me and not my neighbor.


You are so gracious and kind to all, even the ungrateful and wicked.

Please forgive me for my mouth and ways, for not being like salt.

Help me, I cannot live a life pleasing to you without you. I am hopeless and helpless without you living within me. I give my life and all that I am to you Lord.


  1. Larry Adkins | 30th May 18

    A very good reminder I needed to hear these words of wisdom today. Amen and keep on keeping on and be salty prayers for you right now!!!

    • Mia Bella | 3rd Jun 18

      Hello Larry, I received a friend request from you with a moth as the profile picture, is this you? I am glad to know you MRI went well and you are cancer free!!!!

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