I’m not sure that I should say this out loud, but sin has been something I know I should not do, but the gravity or seriousness of sin I had not dug into. I know sin, or disobedience results in a broken relationship with God, the same as if I did something against my spouse, child, parent, or friend. But for some sins I never really had any deep sorrow or regret because I can ask for forgiveness, knowing I will be forgiven. I will try not to do this thing I am sorry for again until my desires overrule my desire to be obedient. My level of disobedience depends on the circumstances. At the moment I could not be more sorry, but this sorrow is short-lived. I hate admitting this, but I feel sharing might find me an ally.
Then one day, this past spring, a friend of mine who is a shepherd, posted a picture of this baby lamb. It was rejected by its mother so she had to bring it into her home to raise it. I looked at that sweet face, so innocent and precious. I thought of the book Exodus, where God gave Moses the instruction for a year-old lamb or goat to be taken care of until it was to be killed and its blood put on the doorpost. I thought of the family members, that if they were like mine, would become attached to this trusting new member. I thought of the heartache, and sorrow the family must have felt as the blood from this innocent life was taken to spare their own.
Suddenly, I became deeply aware of the cost of my sin. Jesus, being The Innocent Lamb of God became more to me. More real, more to the point, more exact. Death is the cost of sin. Death is the cost of disobedience. Death is the cost.
My sin, our sin is why Jesus was slain. His blood covers my sins. I need to take my sins, my disobedience more seriously. A life was given to spare my own. Jesus was obedient to The Father to the point of death. Willingly.
What will I do? Try harder? Impossible. I am weak and have no real understanding of the depth, width, and length of my sin. What hope do I have?
I have the hope of Christ. What a magnificent Savior we have. He not only saved our lives, but He also gives us The Holy Spirit to guide us and teach us every day. I do not have to face this world alone. I have an Advocate to teach and guide me and yet I keep Him at a distance. No more!
After giving a lot of thought to this, if sin is disobedience, I decided I will view my obedience, not as a drudgery, but as a gift, I can give each day. I will change my focus from: I will not sin, to I will be obedient. What more do I have that I can give to show my love and devotion than to be obedient?