The Power of Prayer

Proverbs 27:17 Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another. 

Someone prayed for me. I didn’t request prayer or even know I was in need of prayer. The Holy Spirit impressed upon his heart to lift me up in prayer…and he did.

 I have never met this person, he does not know me, but he was obedient to the One who sees all things and knows all things. He told me he prayed for me and I asked him what his request was, “travel mercies” were first in his response. I thanked him and went on my daily way, warmed by the thought that someone thought to pray for me. Two days later I was in an auto accident. My car is totaled and I have a slight concussion, but I am fine.

I know it was this believer’s obedience to God that resulted in a blessing and protection for me. I can’t help but think of all the times I have thought of someone or something out of the blue and promised myself I would remember to pray about it later but, I don’t. Iron sharpens iron and that is exactly what has happened to me these past few days. My friend, my brother in Christ, blessed me and convicted me by his actions of obedience and faith. When I told him later about my accident his response, “It is my faith in the One who has the power to deliver.” Ephesians 1:19-20 and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength he exerted when he raised Christ from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms,

I have contemplated this faith. I believe God has the power and authority over all things. I believe there is nothing that goes without His notice or allowance. I believe He has made available to believers through the Holy Spirit, great faith, power, and discernment. I do believe! Oh LORD, please help my unbelief!



You have great power, unending, uncontainable power. Please forgive me when I neglect to come to you in prayer or when I am disobedient to your prompting. Please take from me any disbelief in the power of prayer. Change my heart and my mind to be one with Your will and purpose.

Holy Spirit, help me to be obedient to Your leading in prayer and in request. May my life reflect my faith in His incomparably great power for those of us who believe.
