The Tissue Issue

John 13:3-5 

Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God; so he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist. After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him.

Today as I walked through the halls at work, I noticed a dropped Kleenex on the floor. I wasn’t the only one either, co-workers busied themselves walking and averting their eyes to not notice the dingy crumpled tissue lying flat out in front of everyone. I passed it twice. I didn’t want to touch it…where were the cleaning people? They have gloves. I kept walking, hoping the next time I passed by, the tissue issue would be taken care of, but it wasn’t.

Where was the person assigned to this lowly task? I walked back to my desk but could only think of that tissue. My heart sank; I should have picked it up myself, glove or no glove. The issue wasn’t the tissue, the issue was the condition of my heart. I thought myself too important to pick up a dirty tissue, it’s not my job. I went to the break room; got a paper towel and walked back to the tissue…it was gone.

I thought of the disciples as they sat waiting for the one who would wash their feet. I wonder if they felt as ashamed as I did in that moment when I came face to face with my pride and self-worth. I wouldn’t pick up a tissue, they wouldn’t wash each other’s feet.

Jesus, as the guest of honor, destroyed the disciple’s ideas of what it would mean to follow Him. The unknown person who picked up that tissue reminded me how I am to follow Christ in all ways, in all times.

I am called to serve. I am called to die to myself and serve whether at home, or work, in my community, in my church. That means putting aside myself and doing all things for Him and to honor Him.


Your name is above all names. There is none like You, no one can compare.

You are King of kings and still you humbled Yourself to come to us, to teach, to forgive, to save.

Please forgive me when I think too highly of myself. Thank you for being gentle in Your teaching and discipline.

Help me to walk each day in a way that pleases You.

Help me to recognize opportunities to serve.

Help me to serve with a joyful heart.