Time for New Beginnings

Time is probably the one thing I take most for granted. Lately, I have been very aware of how much time I spend on Facebook or binge-watching television. I am tired and just want a moment, I’ll think, “Oh, I’ll just spend 15 minutes on FB and then get my day started”. And before I know it, I have spent 45 minutes I will never get back. If I spend 45 minutes a day, twice a day, on Facebook, each day…if my calculation is correct, I will have spent 22.8 full days a year looking at FB. If in the evening I watch four hours of television each day, that is 60 days in a year!

Ugh, the guilt of wasted time.

Time can be, usually is, a taskmaster. Or is it really? Could it be the guilt of not making wise choices, how I spend my time, the burden? There are so many better ways to spend my time. Why does wasting it become so easy and more desirable? I don’t think I am lazy though, I might be a little unmotivated at times. I think better choices for spending my time is in order. I will make a list.

  • Spend more time reading scripture
    1. Get up 30 minutes earlier
    2. Avoid distractions
    3. Don’t fall asleep
    4. No list-making while I read
  • Eat better
    1. Who am I kidding,
    2. At least try
    3. Maybe start with drinking more water
  • Go to bed earlier
    1. Get a full 8 hours at least, that puts me going to bed at 7 pm
    2. Try to get 5 hours of sleep
  • Keep my home tidy
    1. I don’t even know where to start anymore
  • Exercise
  • Be a better steward of the gifts God has given me
    1. Manage my money better
    2. Manage my time better
    3. Take better care of my body, go to the gym (serious)

About this time am feeling overwhelmed, defeated. Why even try.


I will tell you why. Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning, God created…”


The first thing God created was time, a beginning, a new beginning. God created new beginnings!

Genesis 1:5 “…and there was evening and there was morning…the first day”. Each new day God gives me a new beginning. Each morning, noon, evening, hour, each moment is an opportunity for a new beginning. How? How do I begin to change? It isn’t that I don’t want to change, I do! When I look at the list of things I fail at or have failed at I am defeated, exhausted, overwhelmed… I just can’t do it. Yes, I am right. I cannot do it. I cannot, apart from Jesus Christ, Son of the living God. There is power in just saying His name. In Christ, I can. Empowered by His Holy Spirit, I can. By the grace of God and in the name of His Son, Jesus, I have a new beginning. Right now, and always. I don’t have to understand how, or why He does before I trust Him with me, my next moment, my next breath. He knows I can’t, but He can.


I will start by bringing my focus off my list of failures. Instead, I will remember, Peter and Paul whose lives were changed with their encounter of the risen Lord. I will remember the empty grave. I will be grateful for the lifeblood of Jesus shed for me, for the world. I will remember the teachings and miracles of Jesus as He taught who He is and His purpose.


Right now, I will focus on the beginning of new beginnings. The beginning of Reconciliation. The beginning of Peace and Hope, Joy and Love given out of the deepest love from our Father. I will gaze into the manger and see the beginning to the answer. The answer to defeat, deception, broken relationships, reconciliation and redemption. The answer to death and the gift of everlasting life.


I will be intentional in this moment to follow Christ’s example of time well spent. When I fail, I won’t quit but look to my Lord. I am not going to look at my failures, but to my Father and His Son, Jesus. The creator of new beginnings.


 So here is to new beginnings! Praise be to the God of Creation, of New Beginnings!



Thank you for your mercy.

Thank you for the new chances for new beginnings.

Help and teach me how to remain in You always.