What You Feed Will Grow

Philippians 4:8

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. 

 Sometimes I find myself being my own worst enemy, or should I say, my mind is my worst enemy. I find myself thinking the worst and worrying about what could happen, and a cycle is born. Even when I remind myself, that God is in control and He is trustworthy, there is a “but” afterward. I have heard it said, when a “but” is added, everything previously said is void.

 The “what ifs”, and “if onlys” can drain the very life from a person. I found myself in this very cycle these past few weeks after my auto accident, a spot was found on my brain and a MRI was ordered. By the time the two weeks passed for my MRI appointment, I went from having a concussion to imagining I had a brain tumor and how long I had to live.

 I know, I went overboard, but isn’t that what happens when we feed our fears? Once again, I left God behind. Once again, I was trying to work things out in my power and I found myself consumed with thoughts of “What ifs”.

 I became aware of my sub conscience’s meandering the day of my MRI. Though I have never had a MRI, I wasn’t nervous, I trusted the technologist. I laid down and waited to be rolled into the machine, except a mask was locked over my face with just a small window for my eyes. I could feel my heart rate go up and as I was rolled into the machine, I was surprised at how close it was to my face, I felt trapped and at the mercy of the technologist and the machine. I closed my eyes…and began feeding new fears. What if the building caught on fire? What if this machine breaks right on top of me and smashes me? What if the technologist is NOT trustworthy?


What if I turn back to my Lord? What if I remember what I believe about my salvation? What if I remember that death has lost its sting. What if I remember I am a child of the Sovereign LORD, never alone, always in His care and sight?

What happens to my fears when I remember what is true and excellent and praiseworthy?

Fears dissolve when they are not fed. Faith is renewed and strengthened when I feast upon thoughts of my loving Father and precious Lord. No, I do not want to die or suffer, but in this world, there is death and suffering. Thank God Almighty, Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, has overcome this world.

Let’s feast upon this truth.


  1. Larry Adkins | 22nd May 18

    Awww tender heart sounds like you and been in the presence of our Lord were fear leaves and the pains of this world slips away . In my prayers I remember you . I am having a MRI also today and it is totally not my favorite lol.

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