When You Do and He Doesn’t

This phrase was spoken to me this week and I have been giving it a lot of thought. A lot of thought.

I have been praying, along with many others, for the complete healing of an infant. I do believe God can bring complete healing and restoration.

I know someone who tired of waiting for an answer, or maybe he did not accept the answer to his prayer and is now in jail.

I know someone who is desperately asking God for a loved one to turn back and recommit to their marriage.

I know someone who cannot lose the chains of addiction.

I know someone who believes with all their heart God will change their situation…

And He doesn’t.

The heartache and pain of unanswered prayer. The agony of waiting and hoping, expecting and believing. Knowing He can, and He doesn’t.

The person who spoke to me this week referred back to Lazarus, the one who Jesus brought back from death. I do believe this is true. I do believe the Father answered Jesus’ prayer to show His power over death. To glorify His Son and Himself. (John 11)

I go back to this event for the encouragement of what Christ can do. I believe this restoration can happen again, I do. I so do believe and pray. I do and He doesn’t.

I pray, I ask, I beg, in desperation, in hope, with courage, with nothing left… I do, I do believe!

And still, He doesn’t answer.

Then He does answer, in the quietness of a moment He answers,  “My Grace is enough”

I am brought to my knees. Yes, it is. At first, His answer sounded harsh and uncaring until I remembered the Cross. (how quickly I do forget)

The cross was harsh and uncaring. It was mankind’s answer to a debt owed that must be paid. God’s answer is Grace.

Lazarus’ friends and family expected Jesus to fill their expectations. Come now and make it better. Jesus’ answer was, wait. Jesus asks, “Do you believe?” I do! Until I forget, just like the disciples, just like Martha, Lazarus’ sister, I forget. My expectation too of Jesus is, come now, answer me now, fix it, please! His answer is, I have. For all time, for all eternity He has. Lazarus did die a second death and was buried again. Jesus was crucified, buried, resurrected, walked from his grave, and lives. Still to this day and forever, He lives. That is His answer. This is our Father’s answer, this is God’s answer. Grace, His Grace.

I do believe. I do pray. He answers prayer still today, even in the smallest of things. Sometimes the answer is, wait. Sometimes the answer is, No. One thing I believe with all my heart, though I may forget at times. I do, He did, and His Grace is enough.

(Revelation 21)