Jesus loves me this I know…


I grew up singing this song and knowing it in my heart. Jesus was my favorite. I wanted to tell everyone about Him and work for Him and love for Him and help the poor and less fortunate for Him…


As I grew into an adult I still sang that song, my heart was for Jesus, and The mission field. I love God so much; I wanted to make sure I did my part. I worked and told everyone, Jesus loves you! Jesus loves you!


Once, I was invited to attend a 3-day retreat. I was surrounded by women who loved Jesus as much as I did. We met in groups to study the Bible; we discussed what we read and how we could apply it to our lives. We shared our own experiences and our love for Jesus. I was enjoying myself but I wasn’t feeling… “It” and I didn’t know what “it” was, that I wasn’t feeling. How could it be that all the women I was surrounded by were having these great moments, and I was feeling…nothing?


One evening, we went into a small chapel and sat for what seemed a long time. Finally, two clowns came strolling in and performed a little skit. One clown was sad and the other clown, happy, in the end, the happy clown shared Jesus with the sad clown and now they were both happy. It was cute and I understood. Jesus wants us to share with others our love for Him and that He loves them! As the happy clowns began to exit the chapel, they took each person’s hands and gave them something. I strained to see as each woman smiled when they looked into their hands. As they came closer my heart began to beat faster. I was nervous and excited to see what they were doing with each of us. My palms began to sweat as they came nearer…and then it was my turn.


This happy clown cupped my hands and placed something small there.

My heart raced. I opened my hands and there it was, a small handmade heart that said, “Jesus loves you”


In that moment I found the “It” I was searching for, I had forgotten. I was working so hard for Jesus. I wanted to please Him. I so wanted Jesus to say, “Well done good and faithful servant…” that I forgot, Jesus loves me too! I can’t earn His love. Jesus loves me because…He loves me. Because He loves and is LOVE.


Yes! Tell others about Jesus, tell about His great love for them and how He died for their sins, our sins. Work and live and tell how a life serving and loving Jesus is an abundant life, an everlasting life! Hallelujah! Sing to the heavens and tell everyone: Christ was born, He died, He conquered death, and now He lives! What GREAT NEWS we have to share!


Beloveds, let us never forget while we work and love others for Him…

Jesus Loves Us, He loves me, Jesus loves you





  1. Larry Adkins | 30th Jan 18


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