My list of things I told my children or wish I had…  (continued)

  • No.

  I know that seems like a simple thing, but you know it is a hard word to say. You can soften the edges a little with, “No, you may not do that.” But I have found the world isn’t that caring about your child as much you are. Let the harshness of, “No” come from someone who truly loves and cares and has the courage to say and mean, “No.” because of that love.

(I had to actually stand in front of a mirror and practice saying, “No.” so I could see what my face looked like when I said it. Believe me, try it. You don’t look as mean as you think.)

  • Talk to God, Listen, and Obey

  Parents want the best for their child. God knows your child better than you do. His will for your child is the best. Be willing to get out-of-the-way and let Him write your child’s testimony. God is trustworthy and faithful. Trust Him.

  • Always stand with Christ

   I’m not saying be judgmental, and self-righteous. Be on His team. If Christ Jesus is for you, who can stand against you?

Romans 8

  • Choose wisely what you allow in your heart, mind, and spirit

    I had heard this story, unfortunately, I can’t remember from where: A father’s children came home wanting to persuade him to let them watch a certain movie that was rated R. Their case was that all the best actors were in it. All their friends were seeing it, it was the best of the best. Yes, there was a little rough language, and maybe a little sex. It did have some violence, but nothing too much. Their father told them he would have an answer tomorrow.

    The next day when his children got home from school he was waiting for them with a pan of freshly baked brownies. They asked again if he would allow them to go to that great movie. He said,” Children, I have baked you a wonderful batch of brownies today, they are still warm. If you eat a brownie I will let you go to see this movie. But, I should tell you, even though I did use the best and freshest ingredients, the best chocolate I could find, I did put a little dog poop in them. Not too much, and it was baked, so it shouldn’t harm you.


You have shown your love and passion for us time and time again.

You are faithful and trustworthy. You are not against us. You love us enough to tell us, “No” and always have Your best for us. You are the giver of good and perfect gifts. Thank you for the gift of Your beautiful Son, Jesus. Soften our hearts and minds, refine us and make us more like Him.

Jesus, thank you for making the way for us to come to our Father. Thank you for forgiving our sins. Please forgive us when we turn away. Thank you for never leaving us or forsaking us.

Holy Spirit, thank you for guiding us every day, every moment. Please help us to not quench your prompting and leading. Help us to be obedient to Christ Jesus in our daily walk.