Psalm 118:21

I will give You thanks, for You have answered me; You have become my salvation. 

I was asked this week, what I do when I am waiting for an answer from God. I had to think about that. Waiting is hard and I have had to do my share of waiting and praying and waiting some more.  

Wait…Wait…Wait…silence…silence…silence…silence…Wait…Wait… Wait….…sigh 

But then I remembered what I do… I remember! In my waiting, God would bring to my memory His past faithfulness, trustworthiness and perfect timing. I would recall His ways were indeed better than my thoughts and ways. I would reminisce how His plan was a blessing with a purpose that I could only see when looking back!  

I remembered I have never regretted waiting on Him, but I have regretted NOT waiting on Him. 

I have learned that until He prompts me to move, I stay put. I don’t care what others around me might think or tell me to do. More importantly, when He prompts me to move, I move. When God opens a door, I walk through, cautiously perhaps, but I have learned in my remembering He is patient and slow to anger. He abounds in love and forgives my sins and rebellion.  


You are more than I can take in, more than I can comprehend. Your ways are perfect and Your wisdom keeps me safe. Your love is overwhelming and fills my heart to overflowing. You have given me life, an abundant life, an everlasting life.

How can I thank You? How can I praise You in my song? How can my rejoicing heart make clear the depths of my gratitude?

I will give You all that I have…I give You, me, this moment, this day, this life You have given me. Help me die to myself that You can live through me. You are my Savior, You are my salvation. 

“This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it” Psalm 118:24


  1. Kelly | 2nd Oct 18

    This is so true Mary. I always remember Psalm 116:7. It’s a great comfort while
    I’m going through a trial.

    • Mia Bella | 3rd Oct 18

      Hi Kelly! Yes, that is a beautiful and comforting Psalm verse. Thank you for that reminder, His Peace be with you, my friend! Love Mia

  2. VICTORY | 2nd Oct 18

    Yes tender Heart He opens and closes doors what He opens remains open until He closes and what He closes remains closed. I am thankful for sharing today as always fine work for the Lord in Christ Victory!!!

    • Mia Bella | 3rd Oct 18

      Thank you in so many ways Victory! God’s bless you abundantly always! Under His mercy~ Mia

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