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My list of things I told my children or wish I had…  (continued) No.   I know that seems like a simple thing, but you know it is a hard word to say. You can soften the edges a little with, “No, you may not do that.” But…

School is about to start or has been in session for a few weeks. I made a partial list (1 of 2) of some of the things I told my children while they were growing up, or wish I had…I want to share:   You are NOT the sum…

Sheep and Valleys

I hope you don’t mind, but I have been thinking of this lately and thought it bears repeating… love to you~ Mia “The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want” Jesus is personal. He knows me.   He keeps me and protects me. He provides for me…

What’s In Your Basket?

Sometimes when I read scripture I will read without giving it much thought, then a verse will jump out and make me stop and ponder. This verse about Jochebed, Moses’ mother, did just that.  Scripture says Exodus 2:1-3 … and she became pregnant and gave birth to a son…

A Prayer

The other day I wanted to go to the Lord in prayer, but I had neglected spending quality time alone with Him, I felt guilty and not worthy of approaching Him. I told myself I could not just come to Him when I had been so self-centered and busy…

The Value of The Broken Vessel (3 of 3)

2 Corinthians 4   Cast Down but Unconquered I found myself at a place where I was saying, “Lord, I can’t anymore, but I know you can.” I had to take a truthful look at my life; I thought I understood, that I knew, I thought my ways were right…

Ferrari: A Story About Knowing Your Worth (2 of 3)

Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it. On Sunday evenings, there is an older gentleman who drives a shiny, candy apple red Ferrari to the ice cream shop. He always parks it away…

Treasure: A Story About Knowing Your Worth (1 of 3)

I was honored to present the crown at a Quincenera recently. Taking part in this coming of age celebration reminded me of when my own daughter, Erin, turned 18. I gave her a small jar of colorful pieces of broken shells with one intact pale pink shell on top. I…

Thank you!

 I woke up this morning ready to publish the post I had prepared and realized God Notions is one year old this week! So instead of the usual, I want to thank those of you who follow me and encourage me to keep sharing. “Thank you!”  We, as a people…

Psalm 19

Psalm 19:7 The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul. The statutes of the LORD are trustworthy, making wise the simple  What is it about a sunrise that proclaims God’s greatness, beauty, and mercy? I saw such a sunrise this morning. The colors that grew from…