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Keep It Simple Stupid

Where do I start to clean up this “thought mess” I have created within myself? Have you ever thought about something so long and hard, dissected each thought as to why you believe such a thing? Wonder if you are crazy, convince yourself you are not and continue on the…

a note

Friends, I have written over many times to have an answer for, “Tell me about your Jesus.” Why I struggle so, I cannot tell you. It is not that I don’t know, it is being clear and staying on track. I have reposted one of my…


Then Peter stood up… Believe it or not, I get courage from these simple words. When that young Muslim boy I refer to in the “About” menu, asked me to tell him about my Jesus, my mind began searching like a Rolodex. What should I tell that won…

“Tell Me About Your Jesus”

“Tell Me About Your Jesus” These words haunt me and still today when I try to put to words who Jesus is, I struggle. Why is that? Who is Jesus, and not just to me but to the world? Why does He matter and why Him? “Tell me about your…


Romans 12  A Living Sacrifice  Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be…

A Morning Prayer

Good Morning God, You are more than my words can express. You are higher than my thoughts. My mind cannot envelop You. You are boundless. You are perfect. You are creative. Time does not limit you, You created time, Your timing is perfect. Nothing can be added to You nor…

Women of Faith

This year has been a hard one, this week especially. I got a call saying my mother had been taken to the hospital with a life-threating situation. There in the emergency room, I watched as my mother’s life was teetering between life and death. As I stood…

Hanging in There (by a thread)

I am struggling Friends, I have had a very hard time this past couple of weeks trying to figure out how to put into words what has been on my mind. I have had friends who have had a great loss this past month. Loss of a loved one to…

Tissue Issue

John 13:3-5  Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God; so he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist. After that, he…

Waiting Room

I went to the doctor with my mother today. The wait in the waiting room was rather long and my mother became more agitated as each minute ticked off. Finally, when her name was called and we made our way to the examination room her blood pressure was high. Now…