My Confession About Prayer

Mark 14:38 “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.”

I often wonder, what could have been the disciple’s story, had they stayed awake to pray with Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane. I wonder how their response to the following events might have been changed had they prayed and not fallen asleep. I wonder if they would have been filled with courage to stand with, and not run away when Jesus was betrayed. I think of them and immediately I am reminded of my own weak prayer habits.

Not always, but often, I will open my Bible with the intention of spending time with my Lord, and all to soon, find myself drifting in thought. I begin to think of all the wrongs committed against me. I role-play in my mind, the victories Jesus and I achieve against those who have wounded me. Almost as soon as I begin to pray, a list starts to form in my head: I really should put a load of laundry on. What am I fixing for dinner? “Oh Gosh! I forgot…” (I could put any number of forgotten emergencies into that phrase.)

I open my Bible and close my eyes to have a silent prayer, “Lord, talk to me, I am listening” I awaken 20 minutes later to the sound of my soft snoring…                                              

(This is very painful for me to admit, let alone write.)

After a bit of floundering, I turn inward and look at myself… Who am I kidding, I am trying to just fit Jesus into my day. I look up and ask, “Please help me, I want to spend time with you, but I keep getting distracted!” And you know, He answers that small honest prayer.

I don’t have to have a large vocabulary or a theology degree to spend time talking and listen to Jesus. I just need to have a heart that is ready and desiring to spend time with Him. I have found, Jesus is not interested in long meaningless, mindless time together. He wants honest, intimate, time that results in the sweetest fellowship, and truest worship, you don’t ever want to end. The moments when heaven is here on earth because you know you are communing with The One who loves you. The One who sees you, The One who knows you.

May the Lord bless you and keep you, may you enjoy today that sweet fellowship with Jesus that you never want to end. ~ Mia



  1. Cori Westerfield | 23rd Jan 18

    Thank you Mia! This spoke to my heart! 💛

    • Mia Bella | 25th Jan 18

      Thank you Cori! It is hard to admit I have fallen asleep while praying. 🙂

  2. Larry Adkins | 23rd Jan 18

    Now thats writing with your heart love it feel it taste it thank you for sharing sweet!!!

    • Mia Bella | 25th Jan 18

      Thank you, Larry 🙂 I hope this is finding you well.

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