Preparing My Heart and Mind for Christmas.

Thinking of the shepherds sitting in the night alone with their sheep, beneath the stars, feeling their smallness as they talk to God. I imagine they might have complained about their lot in life: grumbled about the higher social ranks and how unfair things were. I can see them working out ways to better their circumstances, only to find their hopes and dreams for a better life and social standing, dashed by the consequences of poor choices made or by circumstances beyond their control. I wonder if anger with society, unjust, and even anger with God would subside as they recall how He protects and provides for them always. I can imagine a veil of peace falling over them, as they trust tomorrow will be taken care of. I wonder still if, after all this, these shepherds would look inward and ask God’s forgiveness for their anger and ingratitude, realizing the blessings and riches they had rest solely in their relationship Him. 

Shepherds were outcast by society, but God works in unexpected ways. These humble shepherds were the first to hear the announcement of the birth of the Savior, Christ, and Lord of all the earth. 

Something else I continue to think about: the shepherds hurried off to find Mary and Joseph. They found them and the baby just as the angel had said. A year or two later, the wise men follow His star thousands of miles to Bethlehem to find and worship the one born King of the Jews. They went to see King Herod, the chief priests, and teachers of the law assuming they had the same heart’s desire. When King Herod asks the religious leaders about this, they can quote scripture that foretold of the Messiah’s arrival. (Micah 5:2) These leaders knew scripture and yet could not be bothered to walk the few miles to find their promised Messiah. 

The shepherds dropped what they were doing to hurry and find this baby. The Magi traveled days, nights, and miles to find and worship this King. Herod, the chief priests, and teachers should have led the way to worship this long-awaited promise, but they could not be bothered. 

When the shepherds and the Magi found the baby Jesus, were their hearts and minds filled with Peace, Joy, Hope, and Love, knowing now that the promise they had hoped for was right before their eyes? Did the shepherds realize that God values the hearts of men who seek Him and that they would forever be remembered for being the first told of this miraculous event?

Join me in making time to sit and reflect on the promises kept, the provisions provided, and the miracle of the birth of our Savior, Christ, and Lord. Let’s not wait for Him to come to us, let’s seek Him to worship Him. Let us share the good news: a Savior has been born to us; He is Christ the Lord, and His name is Jesus.

“Glory to God in the highest,

And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!”


  1. Kelly Fennelly | 18th Dec 18

    Love this !

    • Mia Bella | 18th Dec 18

      Merry Christmas Kelly! Thank you!

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