Resolution or Sanctification (restated)

Romans 6:17-18

But thanks be to God that, though you used to be slaves to sin, you have come to obey from your heart the pattern of teaching that has now claimed your allegiance. You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness.

A new year! A new you! This is going to be the year I … I don’t know about you, but every new year I am motivated to make changes: from my finances, eating better, losing weight, being more organized, managing my time. I look back over the year and I am still hurried for time, my home is still not as organized as I would like, I am running out the door to be on time for work, and I am running out of the office to get home. Today, I have spent most of my day trying to figure out a technology piece that won’t work… and I am DONE… I am exhausted.

I came across this New Year’s saying about another chance to get it right, and honestly, it made me tired thinking about another year of trying to get it right. What is “it” anyway? The crazy world and all it’s hurry ups and “get ur done” drawls the very life out of me. What is it we are trying so hard to get, or where is it are we trying so hard to get to?

God has made changes in me this year I didn’t even realize until stopping to reflect on who I was twelve months ago, and who I am today. He sanctifies us gently and quietly, okay maybe sometimes there is a wrestling match, but the fight is within ourselves if we are truthful. Sometimes, we try to keep a foot in this world while wanting to be true to Jesus. The struggle is real, and yet, as we release the grip we have on this world, we gain. We gain a stronger faith and a oneness with Christ. We gain a view of the world that gives us compassion and concern for our fellow man. We gain the peace that this world does not understand and a willingness to suffer now, for righteous later. But the greatest gain is in submitting to and relying on the power of the Holy Spirit. His helping us live each day, sometimes it might be moment by moment. He convicts us, gently and lovingly teaches us as we submit to His leading. As we continue to grow and change, our lives begin to reflect more of our Lord and less of this world. It is here our priorities change and we can find rest and peace knowing we are in the hands of our God.

We don’t have to struggle to get it right, we can give ourselves to Him, and trust the Holy Spirit to the process of our sanctification.

Resolutions are based on my performance

Sanctification is a promise fulfilled by God

…and God Always Keeps His Promises

Holy Spirit,

Thank you for coming into my life and transforming me/ sanctifying me to the likeness of Christ Jesus.

Jesus, thank you for coming that we might have the abundant life you promised

Holy Spirit, help me to be sensitive to Your leading and quick to respond with my obedience