Trusting The Holy Spirit

I was listening to a group of people share moments when they experienced the presence of God or how He had intervened to make His presence known. I wanted to share and raised my hand halfway. That little voice inside my head said, “No one wants to hear your story” and down goes my hand. I listen, my palms get sweaty, and my heart races, my mind is telling me, “Speak!!” My hand goes up and I am called on. I share my thoughts trying to slow my racing heart and steady my slightly quivering voice. Thank goodness that is over and we move on to the next topic. Afterward, a young woman came up to me and thanked me for sharing. She had been struggling and my words encouraged her.

I don’t know about you, but I find those moments frightening and thrilling. Frightening because I can’t decide if the doubt I am feeling is of the Holy Spirit, or from me. I don’t want to make a fool of myself. Thrilling because when I give in and follow those ever so gentle promptings, I am the one encouraged and strengthened in my faith and trust.

The photograph I chose for this post reminds me of my walk with the Holy Spirit. I can choose to stay within the confines of my doubts, putting limitations on my expectations of life as a follower of Jesus. Or, I can be like the disciples in John 21:1-6 wherein their obedience they changed what they had been doing, trusted, and went out to the deep and brought in a haul. Maybe my haul isn’t fish; maybe my haul is a life lived to the fullest. A daily adventure empowered by the Holy Spirit, honoring and pleasing to God.

The disciple Peter was hiding and denying Jesus just weeks before his first encounter with the resurrected Christ. Peter’s life was changed, he as a person was changed through his experience with Jesus. Peter’s confidence and boldness came from the Holy Spirit when he stood up, raised his voice, and addressed the crowd. Three thousand people accepted Christ Jesus and were baptized that day.             (Acts 2:14)

A life forgiven and restored by Jesus, empowered by the Holy Spirit is forever changed. We can stifle the Holy Spirit and remain in the confines of our own doubts and expectations, or we can go out trusting and submitting to the Holy Spirit, going out into the deep and bringing in the best haul beyond our highest expectations.



  1. Victory | 5th Dec 17

    Thank you for sharing Tender Heart . Sincerely Victory!!!

    • Mia Bella | 5th Dec 17

      Thank you Victory, it is funny I notice my heart racing every time I share a post too! I do hope you find them to be an encouragement.
      Under His mercy~ Mia

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