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Mia Bella

Comparing Scars

Forgiveness, God’s forgiveness is overwhelmingly powerful and out of nothing less than who He is…Perfect Love. I have a tendency to write down my thoughts anywhere. I came across this note and could not move my mind from thinking about the forgiveness of God. I am ashamed to…

The season is here. The season of gratitude, love, thoughtfulness, kindness, giving and receiving. I love this time of year, even creation seems to give a sigh of relief and enjoys an all too brief time of peace. We remember our blessings especially at this time of year and we…

Time for New Beginnings

Time is probably the one thing I take most for granted. Lately, I have been very aware of how much time I spend on Facebook or binge-watching television. I am tired and just want a moment, I’ll think, “Oh, I’ll just spend 15 minutes on FB and…

Psalm 104 Praise the Lord, my soul. Lord my God, you are very great; you are clothed with splendor and majesty. The Lord wraps himself in light as with a garment; he stretches out the heavens like a tent and lays the beams of his upper chambers on their waters…

Cleaning Out the Closet

2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. I had read years ago it is a good practice to purge from your wardrobe each season. In the beginning, deciding what to discard was…


John 4 The Samaritan woman at the well is remembered for having many husbands and Jesus calling her out on it. She is never named or described but, she had to have had some use to others because 5 men had married her and she was living with one. She…

God’s Timing

This recent look back to revisit what I believe, really more of why I believe, has caused me to be even more confirmed in my belief and faith in Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit. This morning as I was reading Acts chapter 2 and 3 I kept reading the…

a note

Friends, I have written over many times to have an answer for, “Tell me about your Jesus.” Why I struggle so, I cannot tell you. It is not that I don’t know, it is being clear and staying on track. I have reposted one of my…


Then Peter stood up… Believe it or not, I get courage from these simple words. When that young Muslim boy I refer to in the “About” menu, asked me to tell him about my Jesus, my mind began searching like a Rolodex. What should I tell that won…

“Tell Me About Your Jesus”

“Tell Me About Your Jesus” These words haunt me and still today when I try to put to words who Jesus is, I struggle. Why is that? Who is Jesus, and not just to me but to the world? Why does He matter and why Him? “Tell me about your…